Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Manual or automatic?

Last night I brought my aunt a starter kit. I got her two regular sized automatic batteries from Vapor4Life. After explaining the basics and having her use them, she wasn't getting reliable hits from the auto. I let her try my manual extra long and she was able to get a huge hit with tons of vapor which sold her instantly on the manual battery. I thought she'd like the automatic more as it works exactly like an analog, but she said the manual satisfied her cravings a lot better. I left her house leaving one of my manuals behind.

A friend I told about e-cigs fared similarly. After using a Vapor4Life automatic, a blu (which is only automatic) and a V4L manual extra long while we were hanging out, he liked the V4L manual best. The thing really kicks ass and produces an absurd amount of vapor when combined with the "Wow" line of liquid and carts. I think it produces more vapor than an analog does smoke when exhaled. It's ridiculous. I'm going to be doing a video that goes more in-depth on Vapor4Life and teaches one to fill their own carts which makes vapor production even more insane.

1 comment:

  1. I do prefer the manual battery. It releases a very satisfying drag. Thanks for letting me try that before i purchased one of my own. I recommend the manual v4l battery, and 24(strength) cartomizers to any analog, pack a day smokers considering the switch to e-cigs.

