Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Belated Mission Statement & Upcoming Content

I figured I'd take this time to explain the point of this blog clearly and to outline my goals for it. Having started vaping almost two years ago, I initially found it pretty confusing. At the time I didn't know anyone who used anything similar, so I had to find all the information on my own. It was confusing and sometimes infuriating, and so I thought I'd help those who are new to vaping ease into it instead of pouring over various forums to glean information as I had to do.

My first review was text only, but I plan on using video from here on out in order to save users time and perhaps provide extra help to those who are more visual learners. With the videos I'll be able to start posting about various tips and tricks, such as the "Taryn spin" method of cartomizer filling. Sounds like pure gibberish now, but once the video is released, you'll become very familiar with the technique, and will learn to love it as it can save you money each month.

On the topic of saving money, I'll also be posting coupon codes for the vapor companies I review. I hope to review as many e-cig brands as my wallet will allow in a timely manner to make sure users end up with the company that meets all of their needs. If you end up liking one of these companies, you can click the banner at the bottom of the review to check out their products.

So, in a nutshell, I want to provide new users with comprehensive information that eases the learning curve, and I'm going to provide honest, unbiased reviews of the various top companies in the field. I hope you find it useful in getting you to your new, healthy, cigarette-free lifestyle.

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